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Get Hooked on Fishing!

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NJDEP Fish & Wildlife’s Hooked on Fishing Program is hosting the 9th Annual Youth Fishing Challenge (YFC) statewide to introduce youth, ages 20 and younger, to freshwater fishing and to encourage children to avoid drugs, alcohol and tobacco by pursuing fun activities.

Three smiling children holding fish they caught

The free event will be held rain or shine on either Free Fishing DaySaturday, June 1, 2024, when a fishing license and trout stamp are NOT required for anyone age 16 and over or on Sunday, June 2, 2024 when a fishing license and trout stamp are required for anyone age 16 and over, depending upon the location. 

  • The Youth Fishing Challenge rules, age requirements and event times vary by challenge location.

  • Winners are eligible to receive prizes for the fish they catch and must be present at the end of the event to claim prizes.

  • Parents and guardians are encouraged to enjoy fishing during the challenge but are ineligible for prizes

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